"Billiards is a path of passion that cares the soul." - Fred Fechter
Gifted Team |
Descriptions |
Guidelines |
Philosophy |
C.I.I.A. |
Benefits |
Join a gifted combined team of Instructors that will guarantee to Teach ... Anyone ... To Become Better.
Contact a Certified International Instructor for application forms and/or any essential training and learning programs necessary to become a team member.
Teaching fees are subject to each CueSport Instructor.
A CueSport Instructor imparts awareness in the understanding of a specific concept or nature by awakening, balancing, and harmonizing the essence of true being.
As in sports, one's journey toward perfection does involve more than the basics of rules, fundamentals, strategy, or game being played.
Many champion athletes in a chosen sport have found great rewards and self-improvement by the way of specific additional fields such as -- sports psychology, nutrition, body building, reflexology, kinesthesia, breathwork, imagery, massage, isometrics, somatosynthesis, homeostasis, rolfing. Yoga, Reiki, Quantum-Touch, Inspirit, and so on --
A Cuesport Instructor is a student and guide in one or more approaches of awakening / awareness.
A CueSport Instructor teaches with Compassion, Awareness and Truth
CueSport Instructor levels or ranks of recognition do not exist.
It is not necessary or required, but is permitted for a CueSport Instructor to possess a degree of knowledge or expertise in any rules, game, sport or discipline...
True teaching claims no personal intelligence and has no personal wants. The essence of quality teaching and learning is from the heart and core of being received by grace the spontaneity of inspired wisdom and creative intelligence.
Our true purpose is being a beneficial presence, seeking and promoting to the flowing good of mankind.
CueSport International Instructors Association is regarded as the oldest and most respected pool and billiard instructors’ organization in the world. All CIIA members are highly talented independent CueSport Instructors dedicated and certified to the promotion and development of cuesports worldwide. CIIA members are available to teach all students of the cueing arts with their own individual instruction expertise and instructional cost. A CueSport International instructor understands all wholesome cuesports foster valid individual growth of mind, body and spirit. In addition to being a teacher for all, we share a goal to promote the cueing arts into mainstream educational processes, as a healthy vehicle to help create self - discipline, patience, integrity and self-esteem among our youth. As students of each other, and always a student of our students, we are joined by the concept that no single individual's knowledge has more bearing than another. Each individuals understanding has value. We welcome all dedicated pool and billiard instructors who have a vested interest in the promotion, education, and preservation of cuesports. We are all richly compensated through the accomplishments and developments of our students and our own learning experiences.
If you also share the values, goals and philosophies of CueSport International Instructors and would like to become a member, you may do so by obtaining the services offered through a current CIIA member. Only highly talented and dedicated pool and billiard instructors having 500 hours or more instructing others are eligible for membership. A membership request must be submitted by any current CIIA member for review. A one time administrative processing fee of $200 to the Instructors Association is required for new members. There are no renewing annual membership fees or dues. CIIA is a non-profit organization and solely exists on the benevolence of financial donations and gifts though its sponsors. If you wish to become a sponsor or a member, please Contact Us.
(309) 228-POOL